Arbofit- dietary supplement with aronia flavor

Arbofit- dietary supplement with aronia flavor

ARBOFIT- dietary supplement with aronia flavor

Arbofit, as a product, is packed in small bags, netto weight 10 grams. Due to its packaging, it is very simple to use it, as a dietary supplement, in all kinds of milk shakes, cereals, honey or cakes. There are a few recipes for shakes (milk or water) that we highly recommend:


  • Raspberries (frozen)
  • 1 banana


  • Blueberries (frozen)
  • Carrot


In both recipes ARBOFIT upgrades the meal with lots of vitamins and antioxidants. We highly recommend to use this product no matter how old you are. It is perfecly suitable for childrend, pregnant women, vegans, athletes and all those people who want to strengthen their body with the most effective natural antioxidant. It`s practical packaging allows you to use it in everyday life.

Taste the powder!

Preserve nature!


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